Eliminate water loss and drastically lower operational costs with a long-term, leak-free large diameter HDPE piping system—supported by an entire team of industry experienced experts.
Learn why more applications are using larger diameter pipes:
ISCO, is the expert on large diameter HDPE pipe with extensive experience and fusion equipment to install large systems for a range of applications including irrigation, industrial, waste/storm water, irrigation, municipal, landfill, and more.
Large diameter HDPE pipe and fittings are ideal for various applications and cost-effective. Pressurized, durable pipes, resistant to corrosion and flexible enough to support installation methods such as horizontal directional drilling.
Custom fusion training, fabrication and project management services for a comprehensive pipe project solution. Our highly skilled team of design professionals will work with you to develop innovative solutions for any size pipeline project.
ISCO is the only industry partner with two of McElroy's biggest machines to date. Growing demand to replace aging infrastructures and increase capacity for a variety of today's applications, we understand the need to "Think BIG."
From its innovative jaw design, to self-loading and self-propelled controls, touch screen interface, and data logging features, the Talon is revolutionizing large-diameter pipe fusion.
Needs of the new McLoughlin Point Wastewater Treatment Plant in Victoria, British Columbia presented an opportunity that led to the construction of the largest solid wall HDPE outfall in North America. 1.2 miles long and primarily constructed of 2250 mm DR26 HDPE pipe.
Baker Farming uprooted 20% of almond trees due to lack of adequate access to water For decades, the farm’s irrigation was fed by a 48-inch steel pipe in the ground. Baker Farm replaced the pipeline with a more reliable, longer-lasting, leak-free system--HDPE Large Diameter Pipe.
Change is upon the CCR industry and ISCO is there to provide a solution to bring utilities into compliance with the new (EPA) regulations. ISCO teamed up with Fisher Contracting and AECOM on a CCR project to decontaminate coal ash slurry water and transport the clean, treated water from the CCR landfill through HDPE large diameter pipe.