About Us
We are dedicated to doing our part as a company and as individuals to help foster a sustainable future and support social and economic advancement in the communities where we do business. It’s our duty to do all we can to promote business integrity and ensure that our products and services are delivered in a way that minimizes environmental impact.

Browse our sustainability brochure.
HDPE’s earth-friendly properties and ISCO’s commitment to people, community and continuous improvement make a positive impact.
Our Commitment

- We will conduct business practices to protect our planet and preserve a livable environment.
- We will employ production processes that reduce waste of materials and energy and promote safety to protect our personnel.
- We will perform recycling at our facilities and project sites to minimize waste.
- We will promote a culture of safety, health, diversity and community for our employees, customers and the communities we serve.
- We will provide safe and healthy working conditions by focusing on awareness, open communication, safe working methods and safety education.
- We will foster a culture where all team members treat each other with respect at all times, regardless of title or position.
- We will work to recruit, develop and retain a diverse workforce.
- We will encourage community involvement through volunteering and event participation.
- We will conduct our business responsibly and ethically, adhering to practices that meet the highest standards of integrity and responsibility.
- We will seek and partner with vendors and suppliers that share our vision of compliance, integrity and sustainability.
- We will strive to instill a culture of stewardship where all employees see themselves as guardians of our resources, time and money.
- We will promote continuous learning and improvement for all team members as a means to achieve individual and company growth.