Custom HDPE Fabrication Services

Custom HDPE fabrication.

Specialized high-density polyethylene (HDPE) design and fabrication expertise, tailored to your unique needs with precision you can count on.

HDPE fabrication services

Our skilled team applies decades of technical design and fabrication mastery that overcomes challenges and advances your vision. Whatever your need, we can design, fabricate and deliver it.

Fabricated structures

  • Manholes
  • Tanks
  • Circuit breaker vaults


  • Standard and custom
  • Large-diameter transitions


  • Marine floats and pontoons
  • Perforated pipe and fittings
  • Dual containment pipe and fittings

Connect with a fabrication specialist

Tell us more about your fabrication needs for your project. Let’s collaborate!

Excellence and versatility, joined

ISCO continues to define industry standards for HDPE custom design, engineering and fabrication, all from one source. Spanning projects of all sizes, we’re experts at assembling HDPE pipe, fittings and systems into a winning solution.

excellence and versatility
Crafted by Experts

Crafted by the experts

From concept to complex system installation, our certified, factory-trained technicians are ready to bring your vision to life, applying proven fusion techniques to meet the most exacting project specifications.

Skill and experience: key to custom fabrication

ISCO understands the intricacies of individuality and complexity. Our seasoned designers and installers make a living mastering the challenges of custom fabrication—we’re passionate about building the right solution for your situation.

Skill and Experience

Our fabrication work

Have a question? We have an answer. A project or problem? We have a solution.

Get in touch today.