Custom HDPE Fabrication Services

Steel Fabrication for Gas Distribution

Unparalleled gas distribution expertise, applied to custom steel fabrication, from concept through execution.

Unparalleled gas distribution expertise, applied to custom steel fabrication, from concept through execution.

  • Regulator Stations
  • Meter Sets
  • Strainers
  • Below-Grade Vault Stations
  • Pig Launchers
  • Farm Taps and More

Unsurpassed Quality

Our welders go through rigorous testing and certification, maintaining qualifications to industry standards such as API 1104 and DOT 49 CFR 192, ASME B31Q and supported by at least one American Welding Society (AWS) Certified Welding Inspector or Certified Associate Welding Inspector at each location.

Each project is inspected and/or tested at each stage of construction through our ISO 9001:2015 certified quality management system, with test reports included in the quality package delivered with the finished product. We store each quality and traceability package in our cloud-based Document Center for easy electronic retrieval.


Have a question? We have an answer. A project or problem? We have a solution.

Get in touch today.